
By Appreciation

I am beginning to wonder if I am nesting! I have hauled things out of cupboards and ruthlessly thrown into piles of recyle, bin, replace. There is another pile which creeps in every now and then, and that is - for my girl for the very big school pile. It's amazing what you can find when you look. What's more I am enjoying it. There is a real sense of achievement and satisfaction in my clearing out. Dare I say it, but I do hope it rains again tomorrow.

The next step, which is the tricky one, is getting the recylce and bin out of the house before it is reclaimed from within! Already a video - yes video - has found it's way back into a cupboard. I can see the 4ft high stuffed rabbit being snatched in the night if I'm not quick! More thumper than Jessica so it will be my girl who looks for that.

Thankfully my girl's oldest and dearest friend came by this afternoon. She had a very relaxed air about her as her last exam was yesterday. She has such an infectious smile but her eyes disappear when she does, so we opted for a look more befitting of the weather. There was perhaps a little bit of shadow under the eye, but that has more to do with little make-up and a very late night. She is always willing to oblige, even when I took her out in the cold and rain. She is defering University for a year and is off on a Scholarship to the deep South of the US of A. Who knows what will take her fancy there? Can't wait!

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