One year on

This time last year we were in Rome. It was Mrs Smith's birthday and we visited St Peter's, went for a wander and then had a lovely long lunch filled with laughs. During the wander we stopped in a piazza to admire something or other and a guy came up to me demanding a Euro each for the bracelets he had fastened to the wrists of the girls. At the time I thought he was a cheeky bugger but coughed up. Anyhow, a year later and they are still there well spent I say. As well as a reminder of a great trip. I made a photo book of the trip too and that was this years present/consolation prize for Mrs S.

This year we found out we have a case of Japanese knot weed, the removal of which will put the price of the bracelets into true context and then we skulked off to North Berwick to dive into pasta, risotto, steaks, calamari and chocolate pudding.

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