That's more like it ...
Truth be told, I felt a bit miserable yesterday. I felt tired of using my best finding out skills all alone, a little bored and just wanted to go home for a rest.
Thankfully, new days are a tabula rasa. By about 10 am the rain stopped and I tried to get myself going. The breakfast room for this hotel is the coffee shop next door so I headed there just before breakfast stopped being served. I looked out the window and wondered what the heck I was going to do today.
And then a couple walked in, about my age, and I wished that they spoke English, were kind and would sit next to me. They did! We got to chatting and they said they were going on a walk to a series of temples. Would I like to come along? You bet I would!
We got along very well and found we had lots in common. They are English and spend part of every summer sailing off the west coast of Scotland. I dream of sailing off the west coast of Scotland...
The sun came out and we had a lovely time wandering around the temple complex. Mid-afternoon they were going to go to a tea ceremony and geisha performance at Miyako Odori. I chanced my arm when we got there and got a ticket, too! It was beautiful and by far the most Japanesy thing I've done so far.
When we got back to the hotel I decided to not join them for dinner and we made plans to meet up tomorrow morning for another day's adventures. I'm really looking forward to sharing their company again. It was just what I needed after yesterday.
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