If you can't beat them...

By Jerra


Today we decided that before we headed home we would do the job which we really had come up to help with.  A simple enough job, take off a short length of skirting board, pull the old dishwasher out replace the new one.  Connect the water supply.  Finally reshape and resize the skirting board.  Simple!   Oh Yeah!

Removing the skirting board was easier than I expected, so far so good.  Disconnect the water and electric no problem.   Pull the dishwasher forward out of the cabinet.  Problem!  It wouldn't budge both G and myself tried no movement whatever.  Examination by the light of the torch (we had switched the electricity off as there was a socket in the piece of skirting) revealed the problem.

Somebody at some point in the past had squirted expanding foam into the holes round some pipes in a cupboard behind the wall in another room.  This expanding foam had oozed out round one of the legs of the dishwasher.  So we started off breaking the foam with a long screw driver.  After quite sometime we had the leg clear.  Slide the machine forward.  No chance!

The machine would rock back on its back legs and forward on the front but actually move not a chance.  So we continued poking and rocking.  To cut a ling story slightly shorter after four and a half hours it moved out.  What had happened was that an area of about 6 or 7 inches by 6 or 7 inches had been "glued" to the wall by this foam.  Once the machine moved the rest was fairly easy - new machine in, connect up, replace skirting board.

I hesitate to say a job well done but certainly a job done.

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