
We decided on a late start today with the intention of staying out late to look for nightjars and a long eared owl which had been reported on Westleton Heath. There was lots of action in the garden to start the day, with a crow raid on what we think is a greenfinch nest, then an invasion of goldcrest fledglings (narrowly missed the blip cut) We then had a walk round the heath this afternoon in glorious sunshine - lots of butterflies and even a few dragonflies, a fox, a lizard, dartford warblers, stonechats, linnets and a green woodpecker flyby. We then went for a meal in the Ship Inn at Dunwich, finally returning to the heath for our evening twitch. A rumble of thunder, then a downpour put paid to our plans.
I'm not very good at telling blue butterflies apart, so I'm calling this a common blue. Any corrections to this ID would be gratefully received.

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