
Today the weather has been a bit on the dull side. We has a pleasant walk along the estuary from Snape Maltings, where Wendy in the car park who wore a high vis jacket that said welcome but a facial expression and demeanour that said otherwise, directed us to park. We went at low tide to catch all the waders on the mud flats. Apart from a solitary oystercatcher, there were none. Huge numbers of shelducks, quite a few black-headed gulls, and some reed warblers and buntings in the reed beds along the edge, but wader - no! The poppies we have seen along the roadside verges have become more vibrant and more numerous over the past week and in the duller light today, they really sang out with their vivid colour. The walk, although only a couple of miles, was delightful, passing along the reedbeds by the estuary, through some oak woodland and across some heathland with bright golden broom in full bloom and a skylark singing overhead.

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