What Men Get Up to in the City

I thought I would get out for a walk in the city seeing this was to be the last warm day before the polar blast arrives and brings snow to low levels.

The wind has just started to pick up as I was leaving and there were many black clouds that seem to be moving fast across the sky. There were a few new things to take shots of one being the that the Chancery Lane demolition I blipped the other day is just about all gone now.

I was hoping no one would would want to ask me anything as my voice has completely gone now.. can't even whisper. I had written down what coffee I would like on some paper, which came in very hardy. And just as I was making my way home a man came up to me and said, "I think you know what I am going to say". So in sign language I said I can't talk. He told me he wanted to know and that was.. where is the Cathedral. Seeing we were very close to the earthquake damaged ChristChurch Cathedral I could point. I couldn't ask if he wanted the new Cardboard one or the old one. Hopeful he found what he was looking for!

I was just about home when the wind picked up and it became extremely windy, just about was blown over. Someone's poor washing the flying in the air. Luckily my washing was safe. I had put in extra pegs are they said there was going to be gale force winds.

Wasn't long home and my youngster son arrived. He didn't know I couldn't speak at all, as up until this morning I could whisper. So he set up a voice app on my tablet so I could talk to him. It is much better than pen and paper! Do hope my voice returns soon.

I wasn't sure what to put up today and when I down loaded my photos these three shots where interesting to me as they each tell a story.

The shot on the left hand side is taken outside the earthquake damaged ChirstChurch Cathedral and this man just stood there for some time.. may be in remembrance. The bronze stature is the Citizens' War Memorial dedicated to the 1st World War. He seem to be looking at that.

The middle shot is a tourist trying to get a better shot of the ballerina mural on the back of the Isaac Royal Theatre.

The shot on the right is a man taking his child out and I thought his hair was very interesting. He gave me a big simile when I stepped aside for him to pass by.

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