Te Henui Stream

A substantial change in the weather from how it has been since I started working in New Plymouth. The rain has been heavy and almost constant for about 24 hours now. I woke in time for a morning run before going to the hospital, but thought that starting out in the dark would be okay, as would starting out in rain. But in the dark and rain? I'd wait. 

Did a home visit in the rain late morning. This was someone about whom I feel very pleased. I was asked to see her by the crisis team 13 days ago, because she was very severely unwell in a manic state with psychosis. Family did not want her in hospital, but wanted our assistance to treat her at home. We have done that successfully using lithium and sedation. She was much improved after just three days, and by today she is back to her normal self. Patient and family delighted. I have seen this sort of response before, but none of the staff I worked with have and they are proud of their efforts, as they should be. Very satisfied "customers".

The rest of the day is what I have come to expect. This evening the rain has eased and I went out for a run, doing a big loop. As I was about to cross this bridge over the Te Henui Stream, I saw how full it was and went down the steps to see what it was like. As I was finding the right place to take the photo, I was called to by a woman who was walking her dog. Urgently. I turned and she saw the camera, and said "Oh. I thought you were going to try and run through there".

There is the path which you can see heading into the water. It passes under the bridge and the pipes are at least 1.5 mg above the path, which on all my runs along the Te Henui Walkway has been at least a metre above the stream. 

I think my photo does record the power of the water if not the depth.

Further along on my run I went past the Waiwhakaiho River, and saw that it had actually created a second channel into the sea just past the Te Rewa Rewa Bridge. 

There are signs by these streams and rivers warning that the there is danger if the water is high, and also that the level can rise very quickly. I saw that today and was glad that I stayed well above the water level.

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