In My World

By JoanneInOz

Rainy day blues....

Today I took nearly 50 photos, and they were all dull and boring....

I place the blame fair and square on the weather. It rained. It blew a gale. The sun came out. It rained again. And so on, all day long.

It was just one of those days when you feel like sighing.

For a minute or two I became quite excited when I saw the beautiful vivid colours of a full arced rainbow, but by the time I had parked the car and rushed out with my camera, it was gone....


Miss Tibbs was in a state of dilemma today also. She went out her cat door and the rain came, so she came back inside and curled up on the end of a bed and slept for a while.

When she awoke, the sun had appeared, so she ventured outside again, only to be rushing back indoors a few minutes later. It was raining again....


She sat on the windowsill and gazed out at the rain for a while....

Miss Tibbs was bored, she wanted some fun. Her claws needed a workout on her scratchy pole, which is situated right next to my favourite comfy chair....

I was bored. I wanted some fun, so me and Miss Tibbs played a "chase the fingers across the arm of the chair" game....

You can see by the look in Miss Tibbs eyes that this was the highlight of the day for both of us!!!

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