Life through the lens...

By ValC

7 spots or not?

Shout from Mr C.
"Come quick. I think I have got your Blip for today!"

Is this a seven spot ladybird? We think so.
Mr C. was just about to make the bed. I washed all the bedding today, including the mattress cover, and as he was putting it back on, this little ladybird crawled out. As it was such a lovely day, I dried the cover outside in the garden, and this little creature must have flown on to it before I brought it in.
Not a very good photo I'm afraid, as done in a rush.
He removed it quickly and let it go in the garden. Flew up, up and away!

I think this is one of the things the Springwatch team want to know about. So will send them an email.

Another glorious day!
Washing all dry. Ironing done.
Painted the garden furniture.
Cleaned out some of the shed. We seem to have a huge collection of old paint tins, and bags of empty jars. I save the jars for when I make the jams and pickles, but have far too many!
 All now taken to the recycle tip, along with empty plastic plant pots, which no one want any more.

How lucky we are to have this weather for the school Easter holidays!

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