
By CharlotteJ

Spring has arrived!

What a glorious day today!  Weather has been perfect.

We have had a very busy day with our downstairs toilet floor....its finally all up and ready for the new flooring this week.  It was a mammoth task getting the ceramic up but we did it in the end, and have our lovely neighbour to thank for lending us his hammer drill.

Went for a lovely 3 mile run late afternoon, perfect running weather and nice to stretch the legs after a week off from running.  As for my tooth....its still a little niggley!  I really don't want to have to go back to my brutal dentist for root treatment....any alternative thoughts out there?  I have been researching Holistic Dentistry but not convinced, although I do believe that holistic treatment can be very effective. 

First butterfly of the season, lets hope we all have a wonderful warm spring and an even better summer.

Can anyone throw any light on a squeaky macro lens?

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