
By irunlykagirl

MM #62


It is the ground upon which we put down roots. It is also where we find the root to our very survival - sustenance & energy. It's also where we find all sorts of creepy-crawly weeds.

With summer but a memory on the calendar & a new lunar cycle emerging, it's time to reinvigorate the veggie patch.
Companion planting. That thing where one crop follows another to reinvigorate the soil. Seedlings v seeds. It all requires a little know-how to make it work. All I know is that normal shape carrots are not easy to grow. Celery & the sun have a love/hate thing. And tomatoes have a mind of their own.

The problem with a veggie patch is eating your fruits so choosing the right ones is going to be part of the plan. The other part is going to be actually getting them to bare fruit
As for the lunar cycle - I doubt that I'm proficient enough for that to even be a consideration. I'm still up to the basics of watering & feeding the ground they grow in.

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