Life from city to village

By Gibbsangie

Good Friday

This morning I decided to join the venture to carry a large cross from the village church, to the church in the next village. It was a new idea for the village. Start with a service, then refreshments, then carry the cross to the Methodist Church, have soup, then carry the cross over the hill to the next village for another service, followed by tea and hot cross buns. 

There was quite a sizeable group to begin with. 18 service sheets had been printed for the first service, but double that number pitched up. But less continued after the Methodist Church, and, as you can see here (near the end), it narrowed down to a much smaller, hardier band. This is the point just after I'd carried the cross. Being one of the younger ones present, I volunteered for the bit going over the hill. 

This was the first time I'd been involved in carrying a cross, although I'd seen it done by other churches before. It was an interesting experience. The cross was not at all heavy - no more than carrying a ladder, and the pace necessarily slow, due to the age of some participants. Luckily the rain held off while we were outside, and it wasn't actually cold. And I have to say, the ladies at the Methodist Church make remarkably good soup! They really should consider opening a business! 

I did take rather a few pictures, as I'd been asked to be the official photographer (I believe there is a piece going in the local paper, and I've been asked to supply the picture - which is hugely flattering!), but I liked the sense of carrying the cross, rather than some of the more artistic pictures.

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