Life from city to village

By Gibbsangie

Derelict Thursday

Its been an emotional day, saying goodbye to some of the loveliest people I've had the privilege to know. And I am going to miss them immensely. And no, I tried - but didn't manage to escape without being in tears. Its not often you find a job where you work with people you would happily spend your spare time with - and who are good at their job.

But today was Derelict Thursday! I'm sure I will find plenty of similar areas in my new location! I used to pass this place on my way home from work (although - having had to hand in my keys and leave at a reasonable time, this was a rare chance to catch it in daylight!). As you can tell, the other side of the place on the corner is a unisex barber. Over the years, the tiles have fallen off the building - or get prised off by the local bored youth. But this isn't quite derelict - just part of the city that is ignored and abandoned by the more well off communities, which prefer to gate themselves away. I hear of people who say they make sure their car is locked if they drive through this area. Funny, I've driven through most days for the last 14 years, and no one has ever tried to get into my car.

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