The apple of one's eye!

My father's Toyota has been only in use for such a long time. It smelled so, so so bad - and seemed untidy too.... Awful. In interior of the car you really can see how my father could not anymore take care of anything due his illness: The Car, this particularly, has been his dearest thing.

The apple of one's eye!

Well, as I use his Car now, as a loan car, I took it to full laundry with ozonize cleaning. It took 2 days to clean it up, but the "boys" did so good job, that I paid an extra tip for them.

You maybe can see the difference?
Unfortunately you can not smell the difference, but I can.

This is going to be a lovely vehicle!!!

After easter this car goes to full check up (brakes, steering, clutch, ventilation filters, etc...) to Toyota car service. And I will buy new summer tyres too. Continental, I guess. What do you think about that!?


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