Pesky boat!

This here boat thingy has been the cause of much consternation. When #1 son worked in a boatyard (seels like a life time away but was 3 years) he stupidly told his father this thing that masqurades as a boat was avail for a mere couple of hundred! Much against my better judgement they bought it and it has lain all forlorn among many grand boats in the yard, this pathetic wee specimen. So far most of the money chubby hubby has shelled out has been in storage fees and this piece of plastic fantastic has yet to make a splash in the water!
Finally after many's a cross word, I bit the bullet and asked someone to help him, however said person must have seen me coming as he is currently in Equador or some such place! However I managed to get a name and from that hubby found his own contact this chap who has agreed to help him. The problem now is that hubby is on his own trying to fix it and when I say "phone the guy just to let him know what you are up to" as he has only appeared the once and that was just to look at it! But oh no he says "I dont want to force the guy" ell how the Hell is he meant to know what help he can give if he doesnt bloody phone him. What is it with guys and their inability to either answer a call or make one! after all it was a bloody bloke that invented the infernal thing!
Anhows hubby has made a start!!!! time will tell if this momentum will continue or if this has merley been a figment of my imagination! Will the bloody boat ever hit the water? good question, bets are being taken. I bet all you blokes will side with hubby while you ladies may see here I am coming from! Lets see who is right! By the way he wants to re name the thing and I say its unlucky to re name a boat!!! opinions folks!

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