One a Week - Project

By MarshallB

El Cotillo

So after deciding not to go back to see Juan Gomez we took a trip to the north of the Island to see the very impressive Dunas de Correlejo. The land and seascape here were breathtaking and you could look across to a small island called Lobos and the slightly larger Lanzarote.

After Correlejo and a bumpy off road ride around the northern tip of the Island we ended up in the small town of El Cotillo where I'd planed to spend another afternoon on a remote beach. What I didn't expect though was a excellent fish lunch once again with the local catch of the day being cooked and served up with a fantastic view of the bay.

I struggled to capture this beach in the way I wanted to but was overwhelmed but the colour of the water so have chosen to show this as today's blip. After a few hours soaking up the sun we returned to Caleta via La Oliva where we stopped and had a couple of early evening beers served with tapas and consumed in a very local atmosphere. It was great to sit amongst the locals and hear them speak as their accent is very much in the style of latin america something I'd been curious about.

Arrived home tired and caught a quick glimse of the new crescent moon before bedtime. This is one of my favourite phases as you can really see the relief on the craters as the sun is effectively setting.

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