in a small canal. I invented the colours.
In the morning Mischa and I headed for the beach. Despite the awfully stormy weather, we cycled (it is not really far) and walkd, first to the north, wind blowing in our back, then on our return, full blowing wind in our face.
Survival tour, or so it seemed. We had coffee and Mischa's own made cake (yum yummie).
Was it then that Piet Hein phoned, telling that the german railways were chaotic and many railroads blocked? He had departed at 9 o'clock, going down the hill in pouring rain. What a start!
He had stranded in Hamm (Westf).
At the same time the wind had blown away the dark clouds and a wonderful blue heaven laughed at us here in The Hague above our heads.
So it was natural that Mischa and I went for a walk in the dunes, after lunch, to find the Highlanders. We found the black ones and the brown ones. They are an easy-going lot. Mischa's blipfoto shows one of them.
here you can watch her picture if you like.
In between Piet Hein phoned again, The route he should have followed was blocked (via Venlo) and he hoped to reach Holland via Münster. But later it tutned out that was a 'Sackgasse". In the end I was glad to hear that he had reached in a taxi Hengelo, and will and can come home!!

My haiku:

The wind blows the surface
Of the canal in many
Colourful wrinkles

And the quote by Sholem Asch in the New York Harald Tribune, Nov.6, 1955:

Writing comes more easily if you have something to say.

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