Sleet all around

I was supposed to have a doctor's appointment this morning. It got cancelled because the doctor was ill. I didn't even want to see the doctor, just wanted my prescriptions renewed, but they insisted. Well, I've had a runny nose since Christmas, so perhaps it could have been a good idea. They gave me a new appointment to Thursday, but I couldn't take that since I'm at the hospital (I hope) with an appointment to see the doctor of gastroenterology . Then they offered an appointment to next week but I'd like to have medicine sooner to help me sleep with the stuffy nose. So I asked again if they could just renew the prescriptions. They agreed that perhaps this time that could be wiser. Now the nurse will ask if the doctor can do that. She of course could not promise. We have a website where we can check the status of our prescriptions. So tomorrow I can go there and check what the good doctor decided to do. So simple - yet so complicated. If I wanted to, I could go to private sector, and get the meds right away. Tempted, but the weather is awful. Hence the picture.

Summa summarum. Our national health care on the ground level when one is not facing possible death, is down the drains. But we still pay for it. I hear it works great if you are seriously ill. That's fantastic, but it would be better if the entry level would work too. That is full of sleet too.

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