Our Journey is a process

By journeysprocess

Shanghai: The Game

Today was a lovely day with warmer temperatures, sun and little smog.  I think they shut down the industries a few days before Chinese New Year to clear the air before all the fireworks are lit off.  I heard that the government told people in Beijing that they were to "limit" their fireworks celebrations this year because of the pollution they cause.  I can believe it!  Last night, after things died down, the air was full of smoke! 

My daughter and I went to Zhongshan Park today to get a little sun and have a little fun.  The Park is right across the street from where she lives.  I think a lot of people had the same idea, because the park was full of people.  I do find it fascinating, however, to see these groups of men completely absorbed in watching two men play Chinese Chess.  This group must have had at least 10 men either sitting or standing around watching (even though the one gentlemen looks like he is asleep!).  There were several of these groups.  But I was fascinated by the blue player and his intense concentration.  I watched him for at least ten minutes and he rarely spoke and hardly moved.  He then made one quick move, shouted something like "Aha!", and broke into a huge smile. 

We also played "slop-minton", which is badminton without a net and played very poorly.  But we had a lot of laughs and got some exercise. 

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