The journey continues...

By Lbell


This morning I woke in a frenzy thinking I had lost my phone for some reason. Just after waking I received a call from Sirlis, a helper at the morning school, asking where I was. Then it clicked...I had totally forgotten about the trip to Quebrada Valencia because I hadn't received a response from Oscar last night. I was so tempted to get back into bed and fall asleep but I decided that it was about time I started exploring and seeing things and so I quickly got ready, packed a bag and grabbed a moto into town.

I met Sirlis and Jesus just as Chayan and Oscar arrived and we jumped on a bus straight away. It left after about 10/15 minutes by which time we all were pretty sweaty messes!

The journey took about an hour, maybe a little more. When we arrived we purchased a few snacks and water at the shop, paid the entrance fee and began the 20 minute walk to get there. It was so pretty with lots of coconut and mango trees, streams and ant trails. When we arrived the first bathing point of the cascadas was pretty full so we started climbing the rocks straight away. It was so pretty as the rock forms went on as far as you could see and there were lots of little ponds every few metres. We climbed up a good bit, me with the help of the boys in our group, and stopped at a big pool with a tree where you could jump off. As soon we we dropped off our bags we headed up the tree. The boys jumped first of course and actually squeezed in several jumps by the time Sirlis and I brought ourselves down to the lower point to jump. I think it was all the waiting around, taking in the height and rocks below, but I had just worked my self into such a scared state that I couldn't jump of the higher point. Maybe next time.... :)

I had a great day with lots of giggles. Although my favourite part probably has to be the walk out where we picked up lots of mangos that had dropped from the trees and ate them, so fresh tasty!

Everyone was so sleepy on the bus back, although we had a laugh at Oscar who actually properly conked out! We all got off the bus in Mamatoco and I brought Jesus and Sirlis to the hostel to see Brie who hadn't made it today because of being hungover. We decided to go for some pizza off our newly favourited street seller for dinner and then the other 2 headed home, and Brie and I went for an icecream. Afterwards I was totally ready for bed. All in all a very good day!

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