Faded but not forgotten! .....

..... Mothering Sunday flowers, faded yes even so the kind reminder of who gave them to me still remains.
This leads me to thoughts of today, Palm Sunday marking
the end of lent and the beginning of Holy Week!
Today in church St Marks passion was acted out, we began
the service in the church hall and processed into church
with our palms in the wet! It must have been very different
going into Jeruselem ,when I expect it was hot and dusty,
sitting on a colt with the crowd singing in adoration , but
what must Jesus have been thinking?? He knew what his
fate would be !! He also new that he would be with us always,
looking after us day by day.
Whether you have faith or not, what ended in Jeruselem must
have been very like what is happening today in war torn countries, people fleeing from their homes , like Judus and
Peter , who denighed Jesus, the so called freedom fighters are
doing the same thing to their country men! My heart goes out
to ALL the bereaved of ALL the resent and pasted tragedies.
May you all have a good week .

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