Richtersveld #1. Kokerboom Under the Milky Way

Baster Kokerboom (aloe pillansii) is the tallest endemic aloe that grows in the Helskloof area of the Richtersveld, Northern Cape, South Africa. 

Quiver Trees, or Kokerboom, grow in the arid northern Richtersveld mountains, and grow to 9m high. The branches were used as quivers (koker) by the lcal Nama people and hence the name quiver tree, or in Afrikaans Kokerboom.

We drove over the Helskloof Pass today, into a incredibly wild and beautiful area of the Richtersveld, where we are camping at Kokerboom Campsite. The sky was so dark and starry that a night shot seemed a 'must'. What an incredible landscape. The mountain on the right is 'The Toe' and I'll blip it again later.

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