The Dash

Today is Blaze's birthday.  It is just so hard to believe that although it is his 26th birthday, he will never be older than 24.  That is the age he was when he was killed.

It has been a horrid and wonderful day today.  

Horrid dealing with another birthday when I can't wish my beloved son a happy day or celebrate with him.    Wonderful because it is the first day of the Top of the South Area Schools' Tournament that we are hosting here in Murchison.  

The first event - the multi-sport race went swimmingly thanks to the organisation and planning by our Deputy Principal and her team of willing (and sometimes not so willing) helpers. Farmergirl's sons were both competing in the event - one running and one kayaking - and thanks to them and their two other team members we won the event.  A great start to the tournament in so many ways.

On the horrid front; when I became a Lifetime Member of blip and was deciding when to do my blip book, Farmergirl suggested that I do it over the year since Blaze was killed.  It seemed a great idea to me so in late October I ordered my book.  It arrived mid November (I know I was one of the lucky ones who did get the book), but I found I couldn't open it.  Too closely connected to Blaze.

This morning I remembered it and it seemed timely to have a look at it.  It was a very emotional look, but I'm really pleased with it.  I hope Blip is still around this coming October so I can get another one made of 'year 2' without Blaze.

The title here refers to that dash in the title of my book.  At Blaze's funeral my sister read the poem "The Dash" and the dash in this title made me think of the dash in the dates on Blaze's casket 29/03/89 - 20/10/13.  I hate that dash because of the numbers that come after it!

I really wish I could celebrate your birthday with you my son.  Love you.

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