It's that time of year again......................

……………………….All the sun terrace jobs need doing.

This morning Ann said, ‘Molly, what a beautiful day.  I’m going to repaint the decking because a heat wave has been predicted for the Easter weekend and I want a nice environment to sit wine drinking in.’

So she cleared all the pots off our decking and she moved the table and chairs off our decking and she cleaned and prepared our decking ready for painting. 

………………And then I plonked myself down on it for a little snooze?!!

Ann was not happy.  She said, ‘Molly, I’ve just prepped this ready for painting.  I do not want to paint over collie dog hairs.  Move.’

So then I had to come indoors for my snooze because the rest of the sun terrace was in brilliant sunshine and it was too hot for me.

But do you know what happened next?  ……………..Ann had decking paint left over from last year but when she opened the tin it had gone all watery and horrible.  So she said, ‘Molly, we will have to go and buy some more paint.  We will go and see 'Mr Colenso' (the local DIY shop) and you can come with me.  So I got an extra walk.  Yay!

Paint bought and we came home and I snoozed in the kitchen while Ann painted.  It didn’t take her very long and when she’d finished she said, ‘Molly, it’s like a summers day out there.  I’m going to strip off I know, I know, too much information and read my trashy magazines while watching the paint dry.

Why on earth anyone would want to watch paint dry I don’t know.  But after a couple of hours she was still there and I was getting fed up snoozing in the kitchen.  So I kept nudging her with my cold, wet nose and eventually she said, ‘OK Molly, I’ll take you for your walk now’.

Fabulous play on all the beaches in St Ives.  The tide was about as far out as we’ve ever seen it.  Ann kept saying, ‘Molly, when we get home I’ll have an early evening glass of wine on the sun terrace to celebrate how nice the decking is looking.’

But by the time we got home the sun had disappeared and it was cold and we’ve had to put the heating on indoors.

………………And now we need a couple more sunny days so that Ann can paint the sun terrace walls.

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