Health & Safety....

I'm not a great fan of political correctness and health and safety. Both, and more so H&S treat adults like children and children like porcelain dolls. I'm adult, I can assess a danger when I come across it and can alter my reaction in response to it.

This is the kind of thing that really annoys me. There was a lovely artisan cheese stall at the market in Stevenson Square. I loves cheese and admired the variety of delicious cheeses on show. Cheeses that actually tasted of cheese and not the plastic stuff you can get in some supermarkets.

Now I have been eating cheese since I was a little boy. I may be a city guy but I have been to university and have a degree. It may not be in cheese making but is a marker of a certain intelligence if not common sense. My natural curiosity must have got the better of me at some point, probably when I was quite small, and I learned that it was made from milk. I appreciate that some people are lactose intolerant ( though I have read that is now considered a made up condition in some medical quarters) but do we really need a sign in the middle of the display telling us that the products contain milk? Health & Safety says we do. For ***** sake.....

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