Hello Sheep

It's been a great day of sunshine :)  I thought it was going to be a showery day for the most of it, just a couple early on :)  It has been windy :)

Day off today and been outside for the most of it :)  I got up and headed out the door, met mam and we went up to my sister Laura's in the morning.  Me and Sammy left there and headed around Cunningsburgh for a walk, also bumped into my aunt Joan too :)  In the afternoon I headed to Lerwick and then off to Scalloway to see friends before they head south on the boat tonight.  More walkies along the banks when I got home and then off swimming this evening.  Also I have to work in the pub tonight.

Not long now and the peace and quiet will be broken with the sound of lambs playing in the fields :)  This sheep was looking almost ready to pop and seemed very friendly for a sheep!  Although when the camera shutter snapped, she ran away :)  Taken on the Gord Road, Cunningsburgh

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