Why did I come in here?

By Bootneck

Staff Meeting

Due to my recent indisposition Mrs B has been responsible for my normal household duties, bathrooms, hoovering, ironing etc. I don't call them chores, as that tends to make them dull and unrewarding, I actually like the place looking and smelling clean. Whack on some music and go for it.

BUT, the replacement house fairy has a slight problem. As a Booty one is taught attention to detail; we clean where other people don't think there are places to clean, it's taught to you from day one, you live on top of each other so personal and accommodation hygiene become imprinted; instructors wear white gloves when they inspect rooms and go hunting for dust. The house fairy's problem is her eyes. For some reason opticians do not supply the contact lenses that actually match your prescription, it is always a notch below the clearest reading. Why?

Consequently Mrs Booty has found herself doing numerous extra parades and room inspections. The picture above is a classic of the problem I have with her. It looks like a mystery murder weekend in the bug kingdom. The culprit is still sitting in the middle of his larder waiting for more to drop in. Mrs B cannot see these dreadful scenes, they just do not appear on her radar. So when I go off on one and rant about attention to detail I'm very likely to get told to stick my head where the sun don't shine.

Her mother sticks up for her, that's because she is so vain she won't wear the bloody expensive glasses we paid for! I won't give up, I'm not like that. It gives me something to keep herself on edge.

OK ladies over to you, back her up as much as you like, it's my rant and I can do what I like with it. :-)))))

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