
By mef13


Motorway service areas really are vey similar places, and by their very nature always seem to be lacking personality.
Nevertheless they serve an important function and for anyone who travels the country, regularly, or even just occasionally, they are an important rest stop.
At one time when driving from the South Coast north to the Borders I would always pick my route by A roads rather than motorways where you could readily find Little Chefs and for a seven hour drive, a plentiful supply of all-day breakfasts.
Then on regular long distance drives from or to the South of France, Spain or Italy I always tried to find refreshment stops just off the autoroute.. Charming French lunch spots or overnight stops were never far away and you could be assured of something far more appetising or relaxing than the very similar motorway catering facilities.
I had a handy guide book to the best eating places within a few kilometres of the autoroute all the way from Mediterranean coast  to the Channel ports.
But don’t knock the motorway service areas; they have become more respectable, faced with greater expectations from drivers and families and in many instances here have attracted the big  retail names to provide a boost.

I did shy away from the fast food names on the M3 yesterday, but the coffee shops presented something more tempting to my taste, although once again, you are not likely to gat a great deal of individuality.

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