Show off

Some days are so busy they defy belief. 
Corin decided that we needed to have a spring clean this morning.  We think another cat has been in the house and that this is what is causing the 'tension' between Sparky and Chippy.  So they are now banished to the outside and shed for a couple of days until they learn to behave.  As a result, it was a prime opportunity to blitz the place.
3 hours of cleaning later!!!

I was under the impression that James was also participating.  However, after he had gone out and I went to check I was furious.  The note I attached to his door started as such

"Your idea of tidy is very different from mine ...
So until you pay the mortgage, this is what needs to happen..."

There followed 7 key points, including instructions to throw old shoes away and Febreze his room (and open the windows) ... Oh my goodness, the stench of a teenager's feet is a lingering monstrosity!

The closing line ?

"No further pocket money until done."

Probably would seem to be a very passive aggressive way of dealing with things, but I was so angry that if I had spoken to him, it would have been upsetting for both of us, because I probably would have shouted.

It has had the desired effect - there has been significant cleaning activity taking place.

Corin and I went out to Dunham Massey and did a brisk 4 mile walk, incorporating a fair amount of deer stalking.  I managed to get within touching distance of a couple of the young stags - they were not concerned about me as there was excellent grazing to be had.  

Our final stretch took us past the duck pond - not much happening to speak of until this fella decided to show off a bit.  Unexpected, hence why his left wing is cropped at the tip ...I wish these creatures would realise that they need to indicate their intentions if I am to get a perfect shot!

Home, brew, started planning a lesson.  Gave up half way through and went to the gym instead.  Lifted some weights for 45 minutes, before returning to the lesson planning.  

Lovely home made curry for tea.  Ironing done.  Just got to put the laundry away and then I can legitimately go and soak in the bath, knowing that I have cleared the decks for this week.

I realised today that yesterday marked the two year anniversary of the major surgery.  I have to be balanced - it has improved things significantly in many ways.  However, despite those improvements, I am still in pain on a daily basis.  Improving my fitness, eating more healthily and trying to adopt a more positive attitude seems to be getting me through at the moment, but some days are still rotten.  Therefore, today I am not showing off at how busy I have been - I am reminding myself that two and three years ago, I couldn't have achieved what I have done today.

So, reasons to be cheerful then.

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