this is my serious face

Somehow I got a 2 hour lie in, wish I had got up when I first woke up though as I woke after my lie in with a stonkin head, didn't have one when I first woke!

One very excited girl was dleighted to see that the potty fairy had visited last night, lovely note from her and also a DVD of Sarah & Duck! Result. Potty has gone (under the stairs until Wom needs it)

Daddy went shooting, I did work, Munchie played, Wom slept.Wom woke and we went and fed the piggies. Piggies fed and onto the shooting ground. We had talked to Munchie got a bit about going here and what to expect, she was so serious from the minute we arrived. She chose her ear defenders with care, walked so beautifully next to me and didn't even run ahead when she spotted daddy. She was enthralled by it all. Wom on the other hand was hungry and just wanted milk! We left and headed via the nugget shop for lunch, they devoured it!

Spent the afternoon playing in the garden, Wom has flitted between happy and sad. Teeth are bothering somewhat. He went to bed around 3pm and woke up so flushed and angry. Calpol came out to play.

Only slightly burned the toad in the hole this week, not my fault, a little girl turned the oven up to max without me realising for a while. Tea devoured by all.

Baths and showers done. Daddy gone to the pub for a pint, I am doing work (erm, yes, really I am)

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