
By Croft16

Loch a Chairn Bhain..

A dull windy day, with spells of rain this morning. |Have given Tanni a lot of time today, as I had to leave her in the house yesterday. A good run around the croft this morning, throwing frisbees. It went a lot further than usual because of the wind..

Listened to the Archers, and planned a walk for this afternoon, if the rain stopped. It did, so around two, got in the car and went. Parked at the viewpoint at the top of Kylestrome brae, and then walked W around the coast to the seaward mouth of the loch. This is the one that flows under the Kylesku bridge. Assynt to the. S and left, Eddrachilles to the N and right. Kerracher (used to have boat trips to the gardens from Kylesku) is just visible across the loch on the left.

Passed by the ruins of Galascaig on the way. Sad to see a house in ruins. I know nothing about it, who lived there, and how long ago. But I'll make enquiries and find out! The pic will be on 365project (along with this text). Still not sure if I like 365, but it does give me the chance to upload a different picture..

Tanni disappeared from view many times, on the scent of deer. On one occasion, reaching the top of a rise, she was away across the valley, well over 1/2 mile away. Came back with a few whistles and shouts. And we did see a herd of 20-30 later on.

I dropped my spare camera battery, and noticed it missing a while later.  I found it when retracing my steps on the track to Galascaig. Lucky..

Just found a tick crawling on Tanni's fur, second one of the year..

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