Hobbs's Run

By hobbs

Bookcase Gazing

Today was what might be called a "sloth day" or (if you prefer) ... a "switch off day". I think everyone has to have one now and then. Some old movies got a re-run, I caught up with some Blip commenting and I had a good long nap. In days past whenever I get an aversion to things photographic (like I have now) I sometimes take a day or two off blipping. On this occasion I gritted my teeth and did a DB ... for those not in the trade that's a "Desperation Blip" as opposed to a common or garden variety EB or "Emergency Blip". There's still a chance Blipfoto might disappear and I'd really like to rack up a full four years before that happens.

Aaaaanyway I pointed the camera in the general direction of my bookcase and sort of took "pot luck". Then I ran a light "plastic wrap" treatment for good measure (as you do - it IS a DB after all). They say that bookcase titles are an insight into people's true personality. What on earth will people make of this lot?.

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