it all takes time

By Don2532

City Lights

What a brilliant time!

Shame it was spoilt by a thief!

The trip to London was to see the Lion King and as we were in good time we decided to wander down to the river to photograph London at twilight. Considering I didn't have a tripod I am very happy with the results.

Snapping done we headed off for a coffee before the show started.

This is where things turned a tad sour and am including this story to serve as a warning as to how easily a thief can strike.

Cafe Nero on the Strand was our chosen Coffee house and we decided to sit at the window and people watch.  This is when a youngish Eastern European chap appeared at my shoulder shoving a piece of paper in front of me with some unintelligible text on presumably asking for money.  This I declined to do.  Very persistent chap made things feel awkward for a minute or so before finally leaving.

As soon as he had gone I feared something was amiss and checked for my phone.  My lovely newish iPhone was gone.

It seems, talking to the police, that this is a common tactic, distracting, obscuring your possessions from view whilst they steal them.

Bastard is what I call him (excuse my language).

Luckily the iPhone can be remotely wiped and locked and in some small part thanks to this and the finger print reader feel the contents of the phone remained secure.

Hopefully its insured.  I will have to check on that.


Never trust a stranger who appears on your shoulder and keep your valuables safe at all times.


Lion King was brilliant :-)

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