Life on the Good Intent

By ClydeBorn

Flower Frenzy!

We Scots are never satisfied - weeks of complaining it's too cold and today it was too hot!

Too hot to go anywhere and too hot to say at home! I did some half hearted gardening and worked on this weekend's blip challenge on the theme of flowers.
This involved a lot of lying on my back on the grass - not a bad way to spend a glorious Sunday!
I now have a lot of photos of chive and aquilegia blooms against a perfect blue sky, at one point I had greenfly in my hair!

I read Rich's Saturday posting and thought I would spare him more cutesy flowers and headed up to the country park to snap some wildflowers. Unfortunately, the cold weather last month has stopped them in their tracks and the meadow was not as glorious as I'd hoped. I did get some half decent shots though.

Came home for another dinner cooked al fresco and burned some peat blocks in the chimenea. I sat watching the sky change wishing I was somewhere further west where the smell of peat fires is always in the air and listening to the swallows swooping over the house until they were joined and then replaced by the bats.

The peat is still smoking gently as I am torn between two entries - the fragrant narcissus in the country park whose fragrance drifted through the warm air and drew me to it. Or the aquilegia backlit by the sun and processed as B&W?
This is getting way to stressful!
Ok it's the Aquilegia, my official WBC flower entry and the Narcissus is in the Flower folder in my Blipfolio!

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