
By Fido

Evening Sunshine

Spent most of the day in the garden today enjoying the sunshine. We even managed to get some gardening done amongst the usual round of dodgeball, football, olympic hurdling and the continual refereeing of sibling rivalries.

We had a bit of time mid afternoon out of the sunshine and in the cool baltic of the swimming pool, watching as the little ones jumped into the deep end over and over without any fear. On watching this my lovely husband and I commented about how glad we were to live inland and not in a pretty Aberdeenshire village by the sea. The pier jumping exploits of older boys would be quite a draw I'm sure!

When the little ones were sound asleep and the garden tools and toys all put away, my lovely husband and I sat at the garden table and chatted (what was left of) the light away.

We did clear up most of the toys but left these guys on the table as they looked like they had unfinished business.

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