The Life of Bri

By bri


Seeing as Blip this morning was just a wall of eclipse shots, I thought I'd show the shonky setup I used to get mine.

The wobbly telescope from my teenage years, shade shield hacked from a cardboard box (held in place by gaffer tape, of course), little Miss B's easel as a projector screen.

Glorious morning in Fife though, so it worked a treat.  Strangely I didn't think of just pointing my camera in the general direction of the sun like everyone else seems to have done...

There was a lovely polarised quality to the sunlight - a definite dimming that was even more obvious inside.

Kept Little Miss B home from the childminder so we could see it together, but sadly she was more interested in her My Little Ponys. Momentous events aren't necessarily that exciting when you're five!

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