Diary of an Edinburgher

By LadyMarchmont


Over a leisurely breakfast we discussed the best place to view the much anticipated solar eclipse. Blackford Hill, site of the Royal Observatory, was the obvious choice, and that could be combined with a dog walk. But we decided that the car park would be crowded. And anyway, we hadn't made any pinhole viewers, though we had heard mention of a colander, but weren't sure if you just wore it...

The idea seemed to fizzle out even though there won't be another one seen in the UK till 2090... We got organised for our day sans eclipse. Suddenly there was yelling from the lounge. Oh no! Had Archie chewed Gill's new bag? The visitors are not yet up to speed with his tricks, and tend to leave doors open and interesting things at Archie height. (Mind you, I can talk - it was MY credit card he chewed yesterday...)

But no. The yelling was because the solar eclipse was happening right in our bay window!! And there were wispy clouds wafting about, so we were able to look at it in between the wisps. Though a colander was in evidence.

When we drove out to go to the Galleries, there were hundreds dozens of folk out gazing skywards. The Links were full of school kids, all with the proper viewing devices, I presume.

We popped to see the Lichtenstein exhibition and have a general potter around the Gallery of Modern Art and the Dean Gallery - now known as Modern One and Modern Two, though locals are resisting these new trendy names.

I dropped the girls off in Stockbridge for - yes - shopping, and I came home to hang out the washing and take wee Archie out for a walk.

Spotted these three idiots looking directly at the eclipse!

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