Diary of an Edinburgher

By LadyMarchmont

A busy day for visitors and dogs alike. After Archie's morning walk and breakfast, we went into town to drop Helena off at the Bus Station - she was popping through to Glasgow for the day to see a friend - and visited the Portrait Gallery to see the BP portrait awards. I must say, though I watched that whole series and loved it - I just don't like the winning portrait of Alan Cumming.

Home for a coffee in the sun in the front garden. And to find that Archie had chewed one of my credit cards which had been on the telephone table. I don't know how he got it, because obviously I didn't leave it out for him! Then up Blackford Hill in the sunshine (12°). Archie wasn't sick!

Back home in the car, then we walked across the Links and Archie had fun chasing after, but not bringing back, sticks. Lunch in Montpelliers, where he lay under the table and was such a good boy. There was a wee moment when he spotted another dog coming in, and he let out a teeny wee 'woof', but that was all.

A nice sharing platter and a beer for me, then the others went shopping, while Archie and I came home via another play, this time with two dogs while the owners and I complained about the litter.

Timed it perfectly for home time at the primary school, where we ran the gauntlet of crowds of screaming children, prams, mums etc. Archie took it all in his stride. He even walked for ages just in front of a crowd of noisy children without grumbling. I think he's cured!

Sorry I haven't been a good blipmate lately.

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