The Pepper Patch

By PepperG

Grass Roots and Ducks

Trying to catch up my with my journal posts and comments though I've been following the "hands across blip" outreach as closely as I can. I'm always impressed with grass roots efforts to protect and preserve the things in our lives that are truly important, and you folks are doing yourselves proud with word and image.

It's been an interesting week (as my grandfather would encourage me to say instead of resorting to a good old fashioned cuss word). Blip going into liquidation, the AC in our new home going "kerflooey", allergies that are driving me crazy, a birthday (birthdays are always a mixed blessing), and juggling appointments have added up to a serious lack of camera time in my life. I did get out to the Wildlife Preserve last night and these ducks were very obliging. They let me get withing three feet of where they were roosting on the boardwalk railing so I actually had to back away to get a decent shot since I had my 55-200 lens on.

Stay the course friends ... and the adventure continues.   

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