The Pepper Patch

By PepperG

Two Guys Named Fred

Two Guys Named Fred walk into a bar. One says to the other "Say Fred, did you happen to see old Pepper's blip today?" 

Fred replies, "Why yes Fred I did, it was a Polaroid picture of an old busted faucet". 

"Well", says Fred, "What do you think he was trying to say giving us a Polaroid picture of such a rusty old thing?" 

"I don't know Fred", says Fred, "maybe he was busy fixing up the new place and he didn't have to time to go out and get a proper picture or maybe ...." 

"Or maybe what Fred" said Fred. 

"Well Fred maybe he was trying to use a Polaroid of that old thing to make a statement about the busted state of affairs  over there at Polaroid. They say it's all dried up, don't you know, and that Pepper's not above using a bit of a metaphor to make a point, allegorically speaking that is".

"Indeed Fred", said Fred, "he's a bit of a wit old Pepper is and he dearly loves his blip, but maybe he was just drunk".

"No Fred, don't you remember, he took the pledge".

Ahhh Fred, you're right" said Fred "more's the pity". Then, turning to the bartender he said "Fred my good man, two more of the same if you will, and we'll raise a glass to our lovely old friend Pepper and his painfully cold backside".

To which Fred, the bartender queried "Pepper's painfully cold backside?"

"Yes Fred", said Fred, "his polaroids".

....... and the adventure, tongue firmly in cheek, continues.

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