Late Afternoon Sun over Herstelle

Day after day we feel the revitalizing power of the sun. Now its not only the churchbell that awakes us at 7 AM. The sun has already risen over the Brandenberg and sends its golden greetings through the shutters and curtains of our bedroom. Come out, we have prepared a brand new day here for you guys, it says. This leaves no room for hesitation or other forms of resistence. This is going to be the morning to close off and put away all the administrative paperwork of the weeks, even months that passed since we emigrated.

Of course it will take more time than you plan and like. And sure, there are already new unexpected chores in the making for fetching, repairing and problemsolving. But thats part of life, Sunny Life Today! She went on doing her Gardenwork and I made my calculations on the new healthinsurence and sampled the necessary financial documents to put in my Everyday/Travel Map.”You should have done anticipatory planning on this or that,” is a frequent comment. But already now I have listed the things to do during our short Eastern Stay in Holland. And you must have your hair cut before Good Friday, Sunny Boy..!

And Sunny we felt this afternoon as we walked West over the Brüggenfelder Uplands. First climbing the steep forest track upward. And then marching over the plain: ondulating bare fields all around, Some of them greening. Patches of isolated trees and farms throughout the landscape. And blue, half misty above your head, plain sky. A few larks singing their high pitched canticles. While slowly descending towards the river valley, you could look far into East Westphalia. Sunburnt and tired but liberated we joined the Weser riverside and sat down on a bench. The sun was lowering over the mountains. You could hardly see the castle of Herstelle and St. Bartholomews. How good it felt to have have made this simple sunny tour together.

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