horns of wilmington's cow

By anth

Man's Best Friend

Kinda what Blip is to many of us; though to others it was a livelihood. I was going to do the BlipTogether thingy, but thought this summed up my own thoughts even more, as I can't say I'm entirely convinced by the preferred bidder for the site when they say, "By leveraging this type of powerful social media tool with the direction and great success we are having with the Polaroid brand as a whole and our new retail concept called Polaroid Fotobar, we believe this is as a fantastic addition to our current growth platform," but then I have an aversion to management speak nonsense.

Active day. Cycled to town to meet up with Iain to walk to his work with him (he's in training for a big 100 mile charity walk), then had a 20 mile spin from there to home via a few errands; then hours spent weeding in the garden. House now tidied and washing on, just a rather nice pork belly and rhubarb dish to do for dinner, then some cardamom shortbread and mango fool. Oh, then the pub quiz.

Flat out fox
Impressive heelwork

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