Off Centre

By RachelCarter

That's better

Slightly more typical British cardy on/off kind of day today. Much more my cup of tea.

This might not be the best photo I took today but it's my favourite and something to look back on. A handful of the others are here: Tree Hugging
I've also started to feel less ill as the day has gone on. I've felt mysteriously unwell for 3 days, with aches and pains and general lead-heavy yuckness, trembles, back-pain, water-retention, waking up several times a night, and an all-mighty 'Don't ask me - I can't think straight!' panicky sense.
No idea what that was all about but it seems to be easing. Probably partly heat-related but I can't blame the weather for pain, surely?
It's been horrible trying to battle against it. We bought some flowers to plant on Friday and they've been sat in the paddling pool patiently waiting for me to have the energy, health and brain function to deal with them. It was supposed to be my treat for getting through my studies and was meant to be fun!

Anyway, I downed some paracetamol, forced myself to do yoga and we went to the woods for a plod. Tess, in typical Tess style, climbed over gates just before I went to open them. I feel sorry for her sometimes having a mother whose energy inexplicably disappears randomly.

The sun - which had been popping in and out - decided to stay in until we left. Shame because I fancied a few 'light through trees' shots. It came back out just as we got back to the road.

Tomorrow I have to feel well. That's an order. I have Things to Do.

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