Little Chumming Devil!
We were all very tired this morning after our night out last night! Some of the girls went on to a club so didn't get back until the early hours!
There were 2 trips today but the boat was full this morning so after prepping it for the clients, the others all went back to bed!!
There were spaces for all of us this afternoon & it was a pretty good trip though for some reason I was kept busy sorting clients out and didn't get to see much of the shark action.
I did have a stint at the chumming. The chum is made from tuna and anchovy oil and is constantly tossed out of the boat to form a chum slick which attracts the sharks to the boat.
Gerald, our skipper, said I should wear my devil horns today so here I am, a little chumming devil :-)
We are all pretty pooped tonight and are having a relaxing night in. Gemma & Amy have made a fire so I am sitting on the sofa in front of the fire place just now and Amy is making more cookies - domestic bliss in the volunteer house :-)
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