Compost Mentis

By megatonlove


A looong night of drum and bass pandemonium with Belgian DJ sensation Netsky (in white t-shirt) and his band at the Ancienne Belgique in Brussels. Bloody hell, it was loud.

The concert was an early birthday treat for our 13yo son and his best friend. As the boys were underage, we went with them. The average concertgoer that night was around 18, so we oldies were in the minority. However, we weren't the oldest ones there -hooray! Netsky's family from Antwerp - his parents, uncles, aunts, cousins and a little old lady who looked like she might be his grandmother, were all present, enjoying his first major gig in Belgium. They all had their ear plugs on and witnessed with delighted disbelief the crowd's adoration of their boy.

It was a great evening but our ears will take a while to recover.

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