looking ahead ...

Looking ahead today ….
This was not the blip I had planned on but it’s late now and so we go to plan ‘B’.
B for blipfoto.
This is a really situation, that a site that nurtures friendship, positivity, kindness and encouragement on paper is to be folded. How sad for the staff, their livelihood, the site is so unique.
My blip is looking ahead, through the door, along the path, there are paths leading of the main one, which one will people choose, or will the whole concept of blipping be lost to them.
I thank Joe for his foresight with its conception, he thought the sight needed to grow, and we all try to make good decisions ….  I hope this is just a preverbal hiccup, that this is just a nightmare that everyone will wake up from …..
I am grateful for those who have become part of my daily life, those I follow, and those who follow me, I am grateful for your encouragement and friendship, how will these friendships continue….

Take Care  :)

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