its me again ...

its me again ... well I mean to say I am a handsome one and I have noticed there is a woman who has a black thing in front of her a lot of the time. So I keep hopping about, going to the fat squares, landing on whatever I can find, chasing other Robins and generally trying to get into one of her pictures. Well maybe fame will give me a nice warm home and food whenever I want it .....
I did notice a lot of activity in the house for a while, SHE got flowers, cards and cake in a box then they all sat down and ate !!! I never got any though, they are a bit mean sometimes... that ginger cat keeps thinking it can sneak up on me but I have its measure and anyway every time it uses the cat flap there is this bang as its tail comes out, So it is announcing its activities. Silly cat  The black one never looks near me so I am safe enough with it.
Oh good she seems to have got a picture of me at long last, that means I can get on with worm hunting ......
take care  :)

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