That Monday Morning Feeling

My life is full of too many goodbyes and potential goodbyes at the moment. 

Spent half of my office day doing work work and the other half helping Mum & Dad write my Great Aunt's eulogy. So tough. 

I spent some of my lunchtime backing up blips but even now am only up to September 2011. Mostly because it's such an emotional journey. One blip I came across was celebrating the aforementioned Great Aunt's 94th birthday. Also, doing it on the laptop means the extra screentime is giving me headaches but I can't bear to lose all this history so I'm plodding on with lots of breaks just in case.

The news is varied but I'm pleased I joined the Blipfoto Friends group on Facebook. I know some people are talking about starting on the 365 project thing but I'm already on Instagram and Flickr so I can't see me keeping up with yet another photo site. All links to my other online homes are in my bio though if anyone's interested. 

It all makes me terribly sad, being here makes the world seem a little smaller and kinder when in reality I can't see much of it. Fingers crossed for a happy ending continuation :) 

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