
Went out for a lovely mothers day lunch with family and my brothers in-laws, it's brilliant that we all get on. 

Unfortunately I came home with a headache and a tummyache and have already had a sleep so I'm very pleased I took this this morning.

You may have noticed some sad rumours circulating about our beloved Blipfoto site. I have no idea what's going on but I always thought I'd always be blipping! In the meantime, in a mad panic yesterday (possibly contributing to today's headache) I started taking screenshots since day one back in 2010. 

If you use the Chrome browser there's an extension called Fireshot which captures the whole page not just the bit of screen you see. Of course I already have the original photos but as I use this place as an online diary I wanted to save text as well. Just in case. I sincerely hope we're all worrying for nothing though and there's just a big update happening behind the scenes.

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